Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Flaming the Flamebaiter

Gee, fellow bloggers, you may as well pack in your keyboards and get another life . . . judgment has been rendered by "one who knows" that your time is wasted with your minimalist literary contributions:


Who knew?

In addition to that posting in Wired magazine, the efeed from "Good Morning Silicon Valley" picked up the same reference and tossed it to today's readers - many of whom, like yourselves and yours truly, are likely guilty of wasting their time blogging instead of contributing to the value of the web with twittering all and sundry, posting photos of their latest bore on Flick'r, and scribbling furiously on Facebook walls (only to see it scroll off the displayable contents after one or two days because the Facebook doyens are busily updating your profile with news about all the inane gifts your friends are giving one another in a spirited attempt to "save the world" with nothing more than virtual pilgramages to the la-la-land of warm feelings.

Whew. And that curmudgeonly diatribe is on top of the response I've already made today to the notice in GMSV (g):

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