Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Beginnings from Old Soldiers

Having decided to establish yet another web presence, I suppose the first duty to readers is to address the burning question: Why? Why in the world would that old man want to waste his time and the time of everyone who wanders unwittingly into view of these words with yet another slough of unbidden despair? Well, for lack of anything better to do, why not?

In fact, however, I do have a purpose in mind, and I'll share the gist of it with you as we leave the starting gate . . .

For the longest time I've maintained a personal "Word" file in which I've entered the links to articles of passing interest (at least to me) as a way of archiving web pages which I did not necessarily wish to have cluttering up my collection of active bookmarks, but for which I wished to retain some record. (And I've been a Firefox fan almost since its inception and am equally enthusiastic about the capabilities offered by the Foxmarks plug-in, but the time to sync the links between home and office grows as a function of their number - hence yet another reason to limit the online collection.)

I've reached the point where I've formed an opinion that this collection of archival links may be of some interest to others - and rather than the tedious task of having to append the Word file from time to time to emails to others, it seemed far more sensible to post them in a blog that I can manage online - giving both myself and others ready access to the things that have struck me as worth visiting (if not reading in their entirety).

Those of you who already know me well are familiar with my other web sites; those who aren't have only to ask (g).

So, on with the show . . . and let's do this the easy way.

Until I've become a bit more familiar with Google's Blogger, I'll assume that there WILL, in fact, be a means by which I'll be able to port the contents of my archival ".doc" file into a blog post and thereafter edit the html code to enable actual urls. (If not, of course, then - sigh - I'll manually do the port over a series of postings, and will determine some way of providing indexed access to them for you, dear readers. Gee, if I were in North Korea, I'd probably be addressing you as Dear Leader Readers. And, yes, welcome to a world of lame humor as well.)

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